I'm so pleased and excited to announce that I wrote a book! I have wanted to share my passion about body image in book form for several years, and I'm glad it has finally come to pass! It will be released on August 11, 2020.
The process of writing the book was a great way for me to solidify my ideas and put a lot of what I do with my clients all together in one place. It's a great book for those who are new to working on their body image and for those who have struggled with body image for a long time and feel stuck. I wrote the book with a wide audience in mind, including people of all abilities, backgrounds, and genders. And, yes, even though the cover looks a little "girly," these strategies and tips work for men, too!
In the book I discuss a variety of topics, including:
*different aspects of what positive body image is
*the thin ideal
*social media
*weight stigma and HAES
*diet culture and Intuitive Eating
*how to identify your core issues
*the concept I have developed called positive body image heritage
*and there's even an excessive exercise quiz in there for those who like to take quizzes!
Throughout the book you will see tips and strategies you can do on your own to make a change in your life. I recommend keeping a journal as you read the book (and perhaps continue with that habit!) so you can see how your relationship with your body progresses and remind yourself of important ideas when the going gets hard. At the end I have a list or resources to help you learn more. :)
You can order your copy on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BAM!, or Indie Bound.