Announcing my new home! I recently moved from Utah to Virginia, and I found a great place to continue working as a therapist: Prosperity Eating Disorders and Wellness Center! There are some really great things about this place, so I thought I would give it a shout out!
First of all, the people are awesome! The amazing person behind it all is Heather Baker, LCSW, CEDS. (That last bit stands for Certified Eating Disorders Specialist). She is a smart, classy, and personable boss. She has assembled a great treatment team where people care about the well-being of their clients. Meeting together as dietitians, therapists, techs, and a psychiatrist keeps us on track in meeting the goals of our clients. Not only is it enjoyable, but it's inspiring to see what great clinicians these folks are!
I also love that Prosperity has a multi-disciplinary approach to the treatment and healing of eating disorders. Their program offers experiences with yoga, art therapy, acupuncture, spirituality, grocery shopping, etc. Not to mention the range of therapeutic groups covering topics of relationships, DBT, ACT, dietary, and body image (that's me!). Exposing clients to these different modalities allows them to find their own way of healing that works for them.
Prosperity caters to various levels of treatment depending on the severity of the eating disorder. They offer a PHP program, which is daytime treatment 5 days a week, an IOP program, which is a total of 9 hours spread over three days a week, and outpatient services, typically 1-2 hours a week. This allows clients to move between levels of care while staying with the same treatment providers.
The last thing I love about Prosperity--and maybe this doesn't matter to you, but it's important to me--is that the office environment is stylish and pleasant to be in. Yes, the decor. It's decorated in a comfortable and uplifting style. From the comfortable couches and blankets, to the relaxing colors. From the inspiring messages painted on the wall, to the black and white portrait of a sloth (really!), the environment makes healing more fun and less clinical.

But the best single piece of decor in the whole place is the Yay! Scale. I've always wanted one of these for myself, so I'm pleased to see it every time I walk out of my office. What? You don't know about the Yay! Scale? I should do an entire post on this. But until then, let me explain. It's a scale covered in pink fluff that doesn't tell you your weight, but instead gives you positive affirmations like "lovely" or "fine" or "perfect". Now you wish you had one, don't you? Come visit me at Prosperity and I'll let you try it out. :)